Hello Friends, Today I am writing article for how to select best hosting for your business website or to start self hosted blog. These days there are so many web hosts available at cheap prices but all are not having the features which a web hosting must have. So I tried to write something about what features that a best web host or best web server should have.
1. Uptime: Uptime is the most important factor for any hosting. Mostly other cheap hosting promise to give to 99.99% or 100% uptime, but they don’t give good uptime for your websites. So always check uptime for any web hosting company before purchasing and go for hosting which offer maximum uptime. It’s impossible to achieve 100% uptime but anything about 99% is always good.
2. Live chat or support: Many times due to high CPU usage or some maintenance work at hosting side, hosting goes down, So at times like this situation, A Live chat and good support come into role. It’s one aspect to consider how a hosting service can be a best web hosting service. Having live chat available 24 hours would greatly help in cases you got any problems you can directly ask them by connecting them via live chat instantly.
3. Space and Monthly Bandwidth: So many hosting providing unlimited space and unlimited monthly bandwidth, but just because of these two features don’t purchase any cheap hosting without considering any other features. So purchase hosting which have maximum space and maximum bandwidth, and oftentimes you can find them in some best dedicated servers. Apart from this you should also consider other features that would suite your website needs.
4. Database and FTP: Many hosting companies providing unlimited space and bandwidth to attract users but before purchase check how many database and FTP users they are providing. Some companies give unlimited space and bandwidth but sometimes they provide only one Database and one FTP. So while purchasing hosting please consider that your hosting plan should have more than one Database and FTP.
5. cPanel : While purchasing hosting please check that your provider will have cPanel or not because it is very user friendly to manage hosting for person who are not so technical or having very less technical knowledge.
So these are the main features you should consider while purchasing any web hosting. Let me know If I missed any important feature.