Hello Friends, As We all know that wordpress is very easy to use and having so many features for posts and pages. We can make paging for out blog by plugins but today I am going to write how we can make paging in long post or how we can divide long wordpress post in parts. I know this is simple trick but I am writing about this because this is very useful for people who write long descriptive blog post, Also dividing long post in parts by paging is very user friendly and also it reduce page load time. So thing is very useful for long post.
If you want to divide any long post then follow below steps :
1. Write your post.
2. Then go to HTML part of your post by clicking on HTML of your editor at right top.
3. Now you just have to put tag <!–nextpage–> from where you want to divide your post. You can put this tag many time you want.
4. Save your post and check it, You will see paging in your post like 1,2,3 …