Hello Friends, Yesterday I was working on some javascript code in one site and in a javascript file I found that all code of that file are minified means all code of that JS file was in only one single line and if you use wrap then it make that code very messy and at that time it is not possible for us to make indentation of every line, every function and every variable. But I want to make that file code readable so I can change some code in that fiel according to my requirement. So i searched on internet that how to make that messy javascript code readable then I found some sites which is doing indentation work for javascript.
JS Beautifier is the way by which we can make javascipt code readable and beautiful. If you want to use JS Beautifier then just copy and paste your messy javascript code to that side and press button to beautify, It will return you same code but which will be clear and with indent. So There are so many sites providing you JS beautify service, But mostly there are three sites are famous for JS Beautifier. Below are the list of that sites :
1. jsbeautifier.org – This little beautifier will reformat and reindent bookmarklets, ugly javascript, unpack scripts packed by the popular Dean Edward’s packer, as well as deobfuscate scripts processed by javascriptobfuscator.com.The source code for the latest version is always available on github, and you can download the beautifier for local use (zip, tar.gz) as well.
2. javascriptbeautifier.com – JavaScript Beautifier reformats JavaScript source code to make it more readable. Code beautification involves parsing the JavaScript source code into component structures, such as assignment statements, if blocks, loops, etc., and formatting them in a proper manner.
3. Vitzo.com JS Beautifier – Vitzo JS beautifier is also a good beautifier with one option to select tabsize to use that in indentation and cleaning.
So use it and enjoy clean javascript programming.
If you need my assistance or help to do this thing then post it in comment. Also if you want to customize your wordpress blog or want make any other site then you can contact me from here.