Hello Friends, WordPress 2.9 was released on December 18, 2009 and till today WordPress Download Counter Shows that it has been downloaded 6,704,628 (at the moment of writing) times in only 3 months and counter goes on. After getting huge success of WordPress 2.9, WordPress organization had decided about WordPress 3.0 and also had started to work on it. So currently WordPress 3.0 is in development phase and Recently WordPress team unveil releasing date of WordPress 3.0 on its WordPress Roadmap.

WordPress team recently decided that WordPress 3.0 will be released in late May 2010 with so many new features. Date is not decided yet.WordPress 3.0 will have so many new features in it but some of its features which you can find in its trac is listed below :
– At the time of installation user can enter custom password for admin.
– After long time they decided to give a new default theme to wordpress 3.0 named TwentyTen(2010).
– New Menu Management.
– Merging between WordPress and WordPress MU.
– Introducing Custom Post type.
– Custom Taxonomies.
– Custom Background Support
Let me know if you know any new features in WordPress 3.0 features. Please post it in comment and i will include it in this post under your name.